Hi there. (Press enter to continue)
You are needed to kill someone.
But the theme of Ludum Dare this time forces you to use an uncoventional weapon.
Don't worry, I found this AskReddit thread that helps me finding an unconventional weapon for you.
Here are 5 buttons, press one of them.
The button you press will determine your unconventional weapon, choose wisely.
You pressed button number 0. And your unconventional weapon is...
A picture of a Kitten! (Thanks to this comment)
Lol, actually all buttons determine the same weapon.
So, no matter what button you press you will get the same weapon.
Now, onto the serious part.
Click the 'mission' button on the top right corner of your screen to view your current mission.
Good Luck.

WARNING: This game has no save feature. But don't worry, this is a short game.

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Working is easy, you just need to type things you are told to within the time limit to earn money. The time limit will be faster as you move on, but you will get paid more.
If the time limit is over, you will not receive the money you earned that session.
To actually receive the money you earned, just press 'escape', but this means you have to start over.

Type anything in the textbox below to start.

Type: '(start working first)'                     Time: 0

   /               \   
  |                 |  
  |    PET SHOP     |  
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()|    | |   |__|   |()
    /              \     
   /                \    
   ||  || /--\ ||  ||    
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Use the kitten picture (your cursor) to kill the person by clicking his head!
But he seem to have some protection in his body and his helmet that allows him to teleport when you touch them. Try trespassing the protection.
  / \  
Mission #0: Mission Title
Mission Description.
You can't get all achievements at once.
Achievement Title
Achievement Description.
Mission Complete: Mission Title
( o o )